BRITISH INVASION!!! (of the weekend)

Any anglophile can agree, a spot that opens with Hugh Grant is a spot worth watching. All 3 minutes of it. The Guardian: Own the Weekend spot kicks off their 2013 campaign with our most loved agency across the pond, BBH London. Biscuit’s own Tim Godsall masterfully directed this parody of blockbuster trailers that prove how heart-pounding a Saturday morning cup of coffee can be. Left-over rice to compliment the Guardian’s salmon recipe – score! Weather report says it’s not raining on Sunday – winning!

The idea of a newspaper OWNING the weekend seems silly in this age of apps, but the team at BBH London has a strong case for bringing it back. The spot is a great start for this years campaign – may we suggest an appearance by Colin Firth for the next round? Tim Godsall’s go-to artist, Jiye Choi, (boards below) would certainly be up for it.
And now the question on all of our minds – if this spot was for the LA Times, who would be the spokesperson? George Clooney? Kobe Bryant? Our pick – Bradley Cooper.

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